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Full Removable Dentures Torrevieja Spain


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Comprehensive Removable Dentures in Torrevieja

In the world of dentistry, there exists a range of solutions for individuals who have lost all their teeth. Among these solutions, removable dentures have a significant role, especially when implant-supported prosthetics are not an option. This article delves into the types of complete removable dentures available at "AP-Denta" clinic in Torrevieja, Spain, helping you make an informed choice.

Types of Complete Removable Dentures at "AP-Denta"

At "AP-Denta," patients can avail themselves of various types of complete removable dentures, each designed to cater to their unique needs. The clinic offers:

1. Plastic Dentures (Acrylic)

Plastic dentures, also known as acrylic dentures, are a common choice for patients in need of full arch prosthetics. These dentures are made from plastic materials that simulate the appearance of gums, and artificial teeth are set in place. Plastic dentures can be utilized for both upper and lower jaws.

2. Dentures with Implant Support

Dentures with implant support come in two variations: those featuring locators or "buttons" and those supported by bars. These types of dentures are secured in place with the help of dental implants, offering a more stable and comfortable fit. For a more detailed understanding of this type, read here.

Choosing the Right Denture

The process of selecting the most suitable denture begins with an in-person consultation at "AP-Denta." During this visit, the dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your oral cavity, taking into account any specific concerns or preferences you may have. Based on this evaluation, the dentist will recommend the optimal denture solution for you.

Acrylic Complete Removable Dentures

Acrylic complete removable dentures have a base that imitates the appearance of gums. Plastic teeth are attached to this base. These dentures are relatively bulky and occupy a significant space within the mouth. They rely on suction to adhere to the upper palate in the case of upper dentures or the alveolar ridge in the case of lower dentures.

Key features of acrylic dentures include:

  • Quick Fabrication: Acrylic dentures are known for their rapid production.
  • Easy Fitting: They are easy to fit and adjust.
  • Maintenance: Cleaning after each meal and weekly use of special cleansing agents are necessary.
  • Material Degradation: Over time, the plastic base may become porous, accumulate stains, and experience wear and tear.
  • Chewing Difficulty: Due to their mobility, they may hinder proper chewing. Lower dentures, in particular, often have poor stability.
  • Temperature and Taste Sensation: The plastic covering the palate and gums can affect temperature and taste perception.
  • Regular Adjustments: Acrylic dentures may require more frequent adjustments and replacements compared to non-removable prosthetics.

While these dentures provide an economical solution, they may take some time to adapt to. Salivation may increase, and speech difficulties may arise initially. However, for individuals who cannot receive implant-supported prosthetics, acrylic complete removable dentures are a viable rehabilitation option.

In the realm of dentistry, complete removable dentures offer an effective solution for those who are missing all their natural teeth. At "AP-Denta" in Torrevieja, patients can choose between plastic dentures and implant-supported options, each with its own advantages and considerations. While complete removable dentures may not replicate the feel of natural teeth entirely, they play a crucial role in restoring functionality and aesthetics.

For residents of Torrevieja, La Mata, Elche, Murcia, Alicante, and other cities in the Costa Blanca and Valencia region, we invite you to visit our clinic. To schedule an appointment, please contact us at +(34) 638 893 141. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to a healthier, more confident smile.

Contact Information:
Torrevieja, Pasaje Pais Vasco, edificio 1 local 4
+(34) 638 893 141
+(34) 638 893 141
Working hours: Mon - Fri: from 10:00 to 20:00