Rules for visiting the clinic


3-D dental scan: cost in Torrevieja
3-D dental scan: cost in Torrevieja

Previously, to take measurements from teeth in Spain, in Torrevieja, for the manufacture of crowns, veneers, inlays, dentures, casts were made, a special silicone material was applied to the teeth, which freezes in the mouth and creates an impression of teeth when extracted. Then it was filled with plaster and a model of teeth was obtained. It was an unpleasant procedure.

The body perceives any surgical intervention as an injury, therefore it is necessary to help the body. And to avoid complications, it is important to follow the recommendations not only after manipulations, but also before they begin. Following simple rules will help you transfer procedures easily and calmly.

A reminder to the patient after sinus lifting

During the recovery period after sinus lifting, the first 8-10 days should follow the recommendations to prevent complications and speed up the healing process: Treat the area around the wound on the gum with a cotton swab or cotton swab soaked in an antiseptic solution. Brush your teeth only starting from the second day, using a soft brush and not touching the surgery area.

Why do we need crowns?
Why do we need crowns?

Crowns are the restoration of severely damaged teeth.  The most common cases when crowns are installed are after endodontic treatment (canal treatment/nerve removal).

Comprehensive dental cleaning AIR FLOW Prophylaxis Master in Torrevieja
Comprehensive dental cleaning AIR FLOW Prophylaxis Master in Torrevieja

Airflow Prophylaxis Master is the latest technology in professional dental hygiene. It is as painless, gentle and effective as possible. Airflow is a method of brushing teeth using a mixture of powder and water, which is supplied under high pressure. There are different devices for this procedure, ranging from Chinese to branded ones from leading manufacturers. The difference is in the accuracy, concentration and area of the mixture jet, which affects the results of the procedure.

Bite correction at a dental clinic in Torrevieja
Bite correction at a dental clinic in Torrevieja

Orthodontic treatment in Torrevieja is essential for several reasons. If a malocclusion (misalignment of the teeth) is not corrected in a timely manner, improperly formed jaws can lead to speech problems and difficulties in chewing food. A pathological bite can also increase the load on molars, making oral hygiene more challenging and eventually leading to loose teeth and susceptibility to cavities. Moreover, untreated malocclusion may lead to inflammation of the tooth root (periodontitis) and gums (gingivitis).

Malocclusion in adults – when should I put braces?
Malocclusion in adults – when should I put braces?

Malocclusion can be corrected in adulthood. Sometimes the costs and efforts outweigh the positive effect of the correction. Since the growth of the jaw bone has already been completed, adult patients should also devote much more time than children. In some cases, it may even take several years.

Periodontitis and chronic renal failure
Periodontitis and chronic renal failure

When we talk about the association of systemic diseases with periodontitis, diabetes, which is currently the subject of special attention from CPAM with special management of periodontal assessment for the relevant patients, is logically necessary as a natural candidate.

A visit to the dentist's office could provide a glimpse
A visit to the dentist's office could provide a glimpse

A visit to the dental office can give an idea of the health of your heart and brain.It is estimated that more than 100 diseases can manifest symptoms in the mouth. For example, periodontal disease, which occurs as a result of infections and inflammation of the gums and bones that support and surround the teeth, is more common and can be more severe in people with diabetes.

Butova Alina - Surgeon, implantologist, periodontist in Torrevieja
Butova Alina - Surgeon, implantologist, periodontist in Torrevieja

Alina Butova was born and raised in Riga. In 2004 she graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of Riga Medical University, 5 years later she opened her own dental clinic in Riga and continued training in implantology and oral surgery with leading specialists from Riga, Russia, Italy, Germany and Israel.

Contact Information:
Torrevieja, Pasaje Pais Vasco, edificio 1 local 4
+(34) 638 893 141
+(34) 638 893 141
Working hours: Mon - Fri: from 10:00 to 20:00