Butova Alina.
Surgeon, implantologist, periodontist.
Work experience since 2004.
Directions in the work:
bone tissue reconstruction;
soft tissue plastic surgery;
tooth extraction of any complexity;
surgical treatment of periodontal diseases (periodontology);
aesthetic restorations;
treatment of increased tooth abrasion.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, English, Latvian.
Learn more about the doctor.
Alexander Peterson: "I will introduce you to one of the doctors of our team - a talented and hardworking doctor - Alina Butova.
Alina Butova was born and raised in Riga. In 2004 she graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of Riga Medical University, 5 years later she opened her own dental clinic in Riga and continued training in implantology and oral surgery with leading specialists from Riga, Russia, Italy, Germany and Israel.
In 2015, Alina confirmed her diploma and started her practice in Spain.
Despite the fact that Alina performs any type of work, from fillings to composite and ceramic veneers, her main specialization is surgery, implantology and periodontics.
She performs any surgical interventions - removal of any complexity, resection of the tops of the roots, bone augmentation, sinus lifting, treatment of inflammatory gum diseases, curettage, soft tissue plasty, treatment of periimplantitis (inflammation of the gums around the implant).
She is very inspired by microsurgery. With gentle soft fingers, but at the same time with confident practiced movements, she performs minimal intervention in the human body: tiny incisions, thin seams, work with magnification (binoculars and a microscope), the use of ultrasound… And the less this intervention, the faster and easier it heals!
And of course implantology!
With the help of a tomograph and computer technology, she plans all the stages of the upcoming operation. And when, as a result, the patient has a beautiful happy smile instead of destroyed rotten teeth, and he can chew, it is very inspiring!
So come to Alina Butova, we will be glad to see you at the reception!"