Rules for visiting the clinic

A reminder after root canal treatment


Recommendations after root canal treatment.
1. During the action of anesthesia, it is recommended to refrain from eating, in order to avoid biting the cheeks or tongue. You can drink water and liquid products.

2. After root canal treatment, this tooth becomes more brittle. If the treatment is carried out in several stages, then between visits it is recommended not to bite on this tooth, do not use hard foods. Because if the patient accidentally bites off solid food with teeth that have undergone endodontic treatment, or if the patient has a habit of clenching and grinding his teeth (clinching and bruxism), vertical cracks or root fractures may occur, which worsen the prognosis, and may lead to tooth extraction. For the same reason, at the end of endodontic treatment, it is recommended to install a crown / tab.

3. The temporary filling that is placed on the tooth between visits may crumble a little, but if it falls out completely, then you need to consult a doctor to prevent infection in the root canal, as well as to avoid chipping the weakened walls of the tooth.

4. During the treatment, mechanical and medical treatment of the root canals is performed, which causes irritation of the tissues surrounding the tip of the tooth. Therefore, after treatment, the Patient may experience discomfort in the area of intervention. The tooth may be sore for several days, may react to cold/hot, may be sensitive when biting. Usually these phenomena pass within a few days, but in extremely rare cases, these unpleasant sensations can persist for up to a month. If necessary, you can take painkillers, such as Ibuprofen or Enantium (Ibuprofeno 600 mg, Enantyum 25 mg every 8 hours). Important! Before taking it, read the instructions carefully and, if in doubt, contact your doctor.

5. After the procedure, irritation, bleeding or swelling of the gums may occur. The injection site of the anesthetic may also be painful. You can use any mouthwash that contains chlorhexidine. For example, Perio-Aid or Láser con clorhexidina. You can also rinse with a soda solution - 1 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass of water. Rinse in the morning and in the evening after brushing your teeth, keep the solution for 30 seconds.

6. In the area of intervention, there may be swelling of the gums, hematoma, burning sensation, pain when pressing on the tooth or gum, pain. Usually, these symptoms gradually disappear after 2-5 days. But if these symptoms WORSEN, or there is a fever and swelling of the face, then you need to urgently contact the dentist.

7. In the case of inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth or in the case of exacerbation of existing chronic inflammation, antibiotics should be taken according to the scheme specified by the dentist in the prescription. Additionally, you can make baths with salt water: 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 glass of water. The duration of rinsing is at least 2 minutes, but it is worth changing the solution every 30 seconds. Perform at least 8 times a day.

8. 6 months after treatment, it will be necessary to come for an examination, conduct a radiological examination to check the dynamics and condition of the periapical tissues.

Contact Information:
Torrevieja, Pasaje Pais Vasco, edificio 1 local 4
+(34) 638 893 141
+(34) 638 893 141
Working hours: Mon - Fri: from 10:00 to 20:00